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We’re working to end Gender, Ethnic, Racial, and Sexual Violence
Human equity cannot be attained as long as Predator Culture prevails. The first step to changing the Predator Mindset and Culture is to design a new paradigm of human interaction that includes educations, self-worth, and the knowledge that we can guarantee our safety.
Our Mission
We focus on empowering women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, members of marginalized communities, and men & boys to develop and hold healthy relationships, work to prevent and end the cycle of violence, and become influencers and leaders in spaces affecting their health and safety but which have silenced and ignored their voices.
How do we do it?
The key to ending Gender-, Sexual-, Ethnic-, Racial-, and Other Forms of Discrimination-based Violence is Personal Empowerment Tempered with Empathy.

Personal Empowerment
Nurture Individuals' inner strength, self-worth, and self-confidence through compassion & empathy.

Community & Inclusion
Increase intracommunity support and encourage intercommunity engagement.

Amplify Voices
Educate Community Leaders in critical thinking, empowerment, openness, and empathy and amplify their influence.

Evolving Culture
Model new, more inclusive culturally relevant traditions that can replace old patterns of intolerance and subjugation.

When we address personal and generational trauma and insecurities through a culturally sensitive and informed lens, our clients feel listened to, understood, and become more open to new models of intimate, communal, and global engagement.